New York City Guide: FlyNYON Doors-Off Helicopter Experience

New York City Guide: FlyNYON Doors-Off Helicopter Experience

"New Yorkers are born all over the country, and then they come to New York and it hits them: Oh, that's who I am." After many travels to the city I have started to look for adventures that are new and inspiring.  Whether that involves exploring different places, enjoying a museum, or facing my fears [...]

Holidays in NYC

Holidays in NYC

"I passed through the seven layers of the candy cane forest, through the sea of swirly twirly gumdrops, and then I walked through the Lincoln Tunnel."Elf Spending the Holidays in the city can be some of the best memories.  The very first Christmas Jmo and I spent together was in the city.  Exploring Central Park on [...]

Simple Street Style

Simple Street Style

Style runs rampant in city streets and over the past few years we have heard terms such as "street style" and "model off duty" which have started to describe looks that we see frequently in the city. When it comes to street style the idea is to wear your "everyday" clothing pieces but with a [...]

All Black Everything

All Black Everything

As the seasons begin to change and the weather cools I start getting excited to bring back some of my favorite wardrobe pieces and styles from previous years.  Something that I have decided to bring back this year is the all black wardrobe. It may be the love for New York in me, but the [...]

Weekends in Green

Weekends in Green

Whether I am walking the streets of New York City or perusing through Downtown Huntsville my current favorite color in my wardrobe is Green.  I have never been one to gravitate towards the color green, I even try to avoid green areas because I do not love how harsh it looks in photographs.  But recently [...]